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Southampton RIB Charter are authorised retailers of OCA covers and accessories.

At Southampton RIB Charter we have been using OCA covers and Flush Mate since 2016. The covers protect the cowling from the elements as well as any scratches and marks. 

Flush mate helps keep our engines free of any salt build up thus increasing it's life span.


Some more examples of OCA's covers


Please browse OCA's website for the cover or accessory you are looking to order.

Once decided please fill in the form below and we will email you a quote within 24hrs - prices will be discounted compared to those on the OCA Website.

For engine covers please message the make, model, 2/4 stroke, HP and year of the engine.
Please also let us know if you wanted a branded or plain cover and whether you wanted the HP rating to be printed.


Thanks! Message sent.

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